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If you are looking to make a metal project, you must first know the melting point of the metal. This is the temperature at which disruptive vibrations of the solid particles overcome attractive forces and result in a liquid or solid.

The melting point of lead is 327degC. Lead is a silvery, gray metal with a slight blue tint.

Lead is used as a component of type metals such as solder. It is also a constituent of fusible alloys. Alloying a metal with lead lowers its melting point.

When molten, lead can produce lead fumes and lead spray. Therefore, lead must be handled with extreme caution. In order to melt it safely, you need to wear the proper safety equipment and skim the dross off the melted material.

Lead is a soft metal and tarnishes when it comes in contact with air. Therefore, it is a great collector of elemental silver and gold.

Lead is not a very common element, and it is rare to find it free in nature. However, significant amounts are found in the United States.

Lead is not a good conductor of electricity. However, it is very resistant to corrosion. X-rays are absorbed by elemental lead, and it is therefore used in shielding.

Lead is highly toxic. Lead fumes can be extremely harmful to humans, especially fetuses. Also, the heat generated from molten lead is extremely dangerous. You should never reuse lead for food preparation.

Lead is commonly used in batteries in cars. It is also used in bullet molds.

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